What’s hi-resolution audio and how do i play it?
hi-resolution audio is a better sounding digital format than cds. they can be played on a variety of players; i recommend “vlc media player“. it works well in many different formats.
How do i choose to download the hi-resolution version of the file?
You can download in any (or all) of the following formats: MP3 V0, MP3 320, FLAC, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, ALAC, WAV, AIFF.
Once you have clicked on the download link, you will be re-directed to the “Bandcamp” download site where you can pay for the audio files with paypal or a credit card. When saving the file to your device or computer, just look for the format dropdown beside the download link and select “WAVE”, “FLAC” or your preferred format.
FLAC or Wave are the best sounding, true “hi-res” options……..
How long will it take to download?
These are large files of 200mb or more. they may take several minutes
What kind of system do I need to play these downloads on?
A real high fidelty sound system is optimal to take advantage of these beautiful sounding recordings, but you can hear the difference with a decent pair of headphones through any computer with a decent audio output….